联邦权力对成瘾治疗的介入小结(禁戒毒品 联邦权力对成瘾治疗的介入)
[1]Philippine Commission Eighth Annual Report, 1907, Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Dept. GPO, 1907, Part 2, p.18.
[2]Philippine Commission Eighth Annual Report, 1909, Bureau of Insular Affairs, War Dept. GPO, 1909, p.102.
[3]Arnold H. Taylor. American Diplomacy and the Narcotics Traffic, 1900—1939[M]. Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 1969, pp.43-45.
[5]Hamilton Wright, 9 January, 1908, WP, entry 51.
[6]Letter from C. B. Towns to H. Wright, 13 June 1911, WP, entry 36.
[7]Samuel Merwin. “Fighting the Deadly Habits: The Story of Charles B. Towns”[J]. American Magazine, Oct., 1912, pp.707-717.
[8]Ernest Drucker, From Morphine to Methadone[EB/OL].[30 Dec.2011]http://www.drugtext.org/Opiates-heroin-methadone/from-morphine-to-methadone.html.
[9]Ernest Drucker, From Morphine to Methadone[EB/OL].[30 Dec.2011]http://www.drugtext.org/Opiates-heroin-methadone/from-morphine-to-methadone.html.
[10]New York Times, 23 March, 1919, cited in David F. Musto. The American Disease[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, p.140.
[11]Exportation of Opium, Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Ways and Means on HR 14,500, House, 67th Cong., 3rd. Sess., 8 and 11 Dec., 1920 and 3 and Jan., 1921[GPO, 1921], p.47.
[12]Laws of Massachusetts, Ch. 694, Sect. 2, Acts of 1914.
[13]Laws of Pennsylvania, Act No. 282, Sect. 8, approved 11 July, 1917.
[14]J. A. Cutter. Medical Economics of the Boylan Law[J]. Medical Economist 2, 1914, p.296.
[15]Special Committee of Investigation, Appointed March 25, 1918, by the Secretary of the Treasury: Traffic in Narcotic Drugs, GPO, 1919, p.3, pp.9-15.
[16]David R. Bewley-Taylor. The United States and International Drug Control[M]. New York: Continuum, 1999, p.139.
[17]Special Committee of Investigation, Appointed March 25, 1918, by the Secretary of the Treasury: Traffic in Narcotic Drugs, GPO, 1919, pp.19-22.
[18] David F. Musto. The American Disease[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, p.139.
[19]President's Home Commission, Senate Doc., No. 644, 60th Cong., 2nd Sess., 8 Jan., 1909, p.258.
[20]France Bill, 66th Cong., 1st Sess., S 2785 on 15 Aug., 1919.
[21]Letter from D. C. Roper to Sectary of Treasury, 15 July, 1919. PHSR.
[22]Charles E. Terry and Mildred Pellens. The Opium Problem[M]. New York: Bureau of Social Hygiene, 1928, p.887.
[23]A. G. DuMez. “Some Facts Concerning Drug Addiction”, Memorandum dated 9 Dec. 1918, sent to the Surgeon General from the Hygienic Laboratory, 16 Dec., 1918. PHSR.
[24]罗波的个人简历参见Daniel C. Roper[EB/OL].[31Dec.2010]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_C._Roper.
[25]Daniel C. Roper. Fifty Years of Public Life[M]. Durham, N. C.: Duke University Press, 1941, p.186, pp.189-193.
[26]这是国税局在1921年4月30日时的统计数字。参见Letter from O. G. Forrer, Assistant Director, Narcotic Field Force, to L. g. Nutt, Director, 30 April 1921, RPU。如果计算到1925年为止以及算上国税局无法把握的诊所,其数量则可能更多。
[28]New York Times, 12 & 13 April, 1919.
[29]Letter from R. S. Copeland to Thomas Cooper, Treasury Department, BIR, 16 Oct. 1919.
[30]S. D. Hubbard. “New York City Narcotic Clinic and Differing Points of View on Narcotic Addiction”[J]. Depart of Health N. Y. City 10, Monthly Bull, 1920, pp.46-47, p.40.
[31]T. F. Joyce. “Denarcotizing the Addict”[J]. Department Health N. Y. City, Monthly Bull, June, 1921, pp.132-136.
[32]S. D. Hubbard. “New York City Narcotic Clinic and Differing Points of View on Narcotic Addiction”[J]. Depart of Health N. Y. City 10, Monthly Bull, 1920, pp.46-47.
[33]罗波于1917年9月26日—1920年3月31日任职国税局专员。其后任为威廉·威廉姆斯(William M. Williams, 1920年4月1日—1921年4月11日)。[EB/OL].[2 Jan. 2011]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commissioner_of_Internal_Revenue.
[34]Alexander Lambert. “The Underlying Causes of the Narcotic Habit”[J]. Modern Med. 1, 1920, p.8.
[35]S. D. Hubbard. “New York City Narcotic Clinic and Differing Points of View on Narcotic Addiction”[J]. Depart of Health N. Y. City 10, Monthly Bull, 1920, p.34, p.42, p.44.
[36]S. D. Hubbard. “Some Fallacies Regarding Narcotic Drug Addiction”[J].JAMA 74, 1920, pp.1440-1441.
[37]S. D. Hubbard. “Some Fallacies Regarding Narcotic Drug Addiction”[J]. JAMA 74, 1920, pp.1439-1441; “Municipal Narcotic Dispensaries”[J]. Public Health Reports 35, 26 March, 1920, pp.771-773.
[38]A. R. Braulich. “Treatment of Drug Addiction at Riverside Hospital”[J]. Monthly Bull. Dept. Health N. Y. City, Feb., 1920, pp.47-49; T. F. Joyce. “The Treatment of Drug Addictions”[J]. Dept. Health N. Y. City, Weekly Bull, 9 Oct., 1920, pp.322-324.
[39]Department of Health, City of New York, Annual Report, 1920, p.257.
[40]T. F. Joyce. “Denarcotizing the Addict”[J]. Dept. Health N. Y. City, Monthly Bull, June 1921, p.136.
[41]A. G. DuMez. “Treatment of Drug Addiction”, Memorandum to the Surgeon General, 28 Feb., 1919, PHSR.
[42]Letter from Dr. J. C. Perry to Dr. Oscar Dowling, 29 Nov., 1920. PHSR.
[43]David F. Musto. The American Disease[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, p.179.
[44]Letter from L. V. Nutt to Prohibition Commissioner John F. Kramer, 5 May, 1920, RPU.
[45]Special Committee of Investigation, Appointed March 25, 1918, by the Secretary of the Treasury:Traffic in Narcotic Drugs, GPO, 1919, p.3.
[46]Pearce Bailey. “The Drug Habit in the United States”[J]. New Republic, 16 March, 1921, pp.67-69.
[47]T. F. Joyce. “Denarcotizing the Addict”[J]. Department Health N. Y. City. Monthly Bull, June, 1921, p.133.
[48]Letter from Levi G. Nutt to John F. Kramer, 5 May, 1920, RPU.
[49]U. S. Treasury Dept., Bureau of Internal Revenue. Amending M-Mim 2212 dated 31 July 1919 and Outlining Treatment of Narcotic Drug Addiction Permissible under the Harrison Narcotic Law, Pro-Mimeograph, pro., No. 217, 19 Oct., 1921, GPO, 1921.
[50]Hearings before House Appropriation Committee, Treasury Dept. Appropriation Bill 1930, 23 Nov., 1928, 70th Cong., 2nd Sess., p.475.
[51]Hearings before House Appropriation committee, Treasury Dept. Appropriation Bill 1930, 23 Nov., 1928, 70th Cong., 2nd Sess., p.475.
[52]Albert S. Gregg. “United Stated narcotic Farms”[J]. Narcotic Education 2, 1928, pp.9-10.
[53]Cong., Rec., Home, 69, pt. 9, 70th Cong., 1st Sess., 21 May, 1928, pp.9412-9413.
[54]“Federal Narcotic Farm”[J]. California and Western Medicine, Vol. 42, No. 3, March, 1935, pp.228-229.
[55]Federal Medical Center, Lexington[EB/OL].[4 Jan. 2011]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Medical_Center,_Lexington;此外,有关“列克星敦麻醉品农场”相关的历史、相片以及杂志等内容可参见Nancy D. Campbell & JP Olsen & Luke Walden. The Narcotic Farm[M]. New York: Abrams, 2008。
[56]G. H. Hunt and M. E. Odoroff. “Follow-up Study of Narcotic Drug Addicts after Hospitalization”[J]. Public Health Repots 77, 1962, pp.41-54.
[57]Nancy D. Campbell & JP Olsen & Luke Walden. The Narcotic Farm[M]. New York: Abrams, 2008, Cover page.
[58]Exportation of Opium, Hearings before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Ways and Means on HR 14,500, House, 66th Cong., 3rd Sess., 8 and 11 Dec., 1920 and 3 and 4 Jan., 1921, GPO, 1921, p.105, p.108, p.133.
[59]Lawrence Kolb. “Pleasure and Deterioration from Narcotic Addiction”[J]. Mental Hygiene 9, 1925, pp.699-724.
[60]Editorial, JAMA 60, 1913, p.1364.
[61]American Pharmaceutical Association Archives, Box 31, Washington D. C., pp.86-87.
[62]U. S. v. Behrman, 258 U. S. 280, 27 March, 1922[EB/OL].[5 Jan. 2011]http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/legal/l1920/united_states_v_behrman.htm.
[63]David F. Musto. The American Disease[M]. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999, p.186.
[64]“House Investigation of Narcotics”, House Res. No. 258, 67th Cong., 2nd Sess., 4 Jan., 1922, Cong., Rec., Vol. 62, Pt. 1, p.808.
[65]“Proceedings of the St. Louis Session, 23 May, 1922”[J]. JAMA 78, 1922, p.1715.
[66]“United State Supreme Court Distrusts the Harrison Narcotic Act”[J]. Editorial, JAMA 86, 1926, pp.627-638.
[67]Interim and Final Reports of the Joint Committee on Narcotic Drugs. Drug Addiction: Crime or Disease[M]. Bloomington & London: Indiana University Press, 1961, p.5.